Digital Future

Digitalisation is THE buzzword in politics, business and society – there is hardly an area of life that is not affected by technological progress. Whether medtech, home automation, big data or data protection, every individual, and every company too, faces different new questions and challenges triggered by the digital transformation.

Many of these challenges are of a legal nature, for the technical possibilities are often far ahead of the legislator. Our Digital Future focus area addresses the most important current digitalisation issues, takes a look at the key legal questions for companies and introduces our range of services from AI to Work 4.0.

Artificial Intelligence

The possibility of processing ever-larger volumes of data ever more rapidly has taken the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to a new level. Here, as in many areas of digital transformation, legislators are struggling to keep abreast of technical developments.

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Autonomous Driving

There is much talk of forward-looking mobility concepts at the moment and all of them have one thing in common, namely automated/autonomous steering, with the human driver/pilot being successively displaced by computers.

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Big Data

Big data is one of the key terms at the heart of digital transformation. IT applications are today in a position to analyse huge quantities of unstructured data at high speed – and their capacities continue to grow. This enables the making of new findings, the uncovering of underlying structures, and the preparation of forecasts in many different areas of our lives.

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Blockchain is seen as one of the most promising and revolutionary new technologies: Crypto assets create new investment possibilities, token sales are heralding a sea-change in the way in which capital is raised, and smart contracts promise the extensive automation of complex agreements and bulk transactions.

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Crypto Assets

In crypto-form, assets can be transferred over the internet on blockchain basis just as cheaply, quickly and safely as information. This is made possible by digital tokens that can be exclusively attributed to one owner and are tradable as such. 

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Cyber Security

Cyber security is one of the key issues that has a significant influence on the digital transformation process. With each new media report on hacks and data theft, the pressure mounts on companies, governments and supervisory authorities.

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Data Economy

In 2020, the European Union unveiled its data strategy for making Europe a leader in data-driven innovation. Unusually, its aim is not to address an existing market failure but instead to create a competitive, common European data space – a single market for data – via a mesh of regulatory provisions. 

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Data Protection

Data is the driving force of digital transformation and at the same time a key motor of the economy in the modern world. The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has tightened the legal requirements businesses have to meeting when collecting and processing personal data.

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Digital Health

Huge advances in medical and information technology are transforming the healthcare sector in a special way. Innovative approaches in the area of telemedicine are changing how doctors and patients interact.

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Innovative technologies have taken hold in almost all areas of the financial sector. InsurTechs, WealthTechs and PayTechs are entering the market, usually in the form of start-ups. They make use of the possibilities offered by decentralised data storage and mobile communication to offer their customers especially user-friendly solutions.

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Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is gaining in importance in many areas of daily life. Whether in smart homes and cities or networked factories – the use of voice control, M2M (machine-to-machine), C2C (car-to-car) and C2I (car-to-infrastructure) communication and control mechanisms in industrial “just-in-time” production is on the rise.

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Smart Contracts

Blockchain technology is laying the foundation for the automation of more and more hitherto human-driven processes. One key element is “smart contracts” – computer protocols that are not only a technical manifestation of contracts, but actually perform them autonomously.

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Token Sales

Token sales are one of the most innovative methods of raising funds. In token sales blockchain-based tokens are issued to investors in exchange for national currencies or other tokens.

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Token Tax

The taxation of cryptocurrencies is a very important matter for both investors and issuers. For the tax burden is generally a deciding factor for the profitability of an investment.

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Work 4.0

The continuing digitalisation and automation of business processes has already changed the work culture in many areas. Work 4.0 demands increased flexibility and agility of operations and staff to keep businesses competitive.

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