
Digital Future

Data Protection

Data is the driving force of digital transformation and at the same time a key motor of the economy in the modern world. The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has tightened the legal requirements businesses have to meeting when collecting and processing personal data; companies that violate the GDPR can find themselves on the receiving end of very significant fines. The upcoming ePrivacy Regulation will bring with it further challenges, first and foremost for the internet-based economy.

The advice our lawyers offer on data protection addresses the very root of the issues involved, targeting, as it does, products and services at the early stages of their development. We support our clients when it comes to meeting the statutory demands for data protection-compliant technologies (“privacy by design”). And we also walk our clients through the various stages of setting up effective data protection compliance structures at the heart of their businesses.

In hybrid teams made up of IT, data protection and employment experts, we draw up the data protection documents required by law, such as lists of processing activities, data protection guidelines, information sheets for employees, as well as data protection contracts and data protection statement for websites. We provide support for IT and outsourcing projects (especially around cloud computing) with an eye to the data protection aspects and take care of negotiations with the works council with a view to introducing measures to meet the data protection requirements.

Our data protection lawyers have international experience and frequently handle not only national, but also cross-border data protection projects, e.g. on the subject of the exchange of data within global corporate groups or the involvement of service providers in countries outside the EU.