Big data is one of the key terms at the heart of digital transformation. IT applications are today in a position to analyse huge quantities of unstructured data at high speed – and their capacities continue to grow. This enables the making of new findings, the uncovering of underlying structures, and the preparation of forecasts in many different areas of our lives. The digital collection, linkage and analysis of data not only make new kinds of data-based business models possible – they are is also of fundamental importance when it comes to optimising products and services in supply chain management, machine-to-machine (M2M) communication and Industry 4.0 applications.
Gleiss Lutz provides support for big data projects from conception through to completion, including dealing with the specific data protection and competition issues raised by practical application. Taking the regulatory requirements as a basis we structure the contracts for cooperations between businesses, developers and their project partners, whilst also having regard for the protection of know-how and data and the involvement of data protection officers and employee representatives in the process.
Our data protection experts assist with the compliant structuring of storage and processing processes, also with a view to aspects such as privacy by design and the requirements around data privacy impact assessments. We negotiate with works councils on our clients’ behalf ahead of the introduction of big data-based people analytics applications or IT security tools. And, last but not least, we draft the privacy policies that the law requires for employees, customers and business partners in connection with big data projects.
Antitrust violations and risks need to be avoided in the digital, frequently automated competition landscape, too. Companies can come to us for advice on all questions that arise at the interfaces of big data, digital economy and antitrust law – from the antitrust and competition perspective, we focus especially on data pooling, data sharing and data-related cooperations. We also handle the setting-up and implementation of antitrust compliance structures in data-based business models and Industry 4.0 applications.