Kartellverfahren gegen Automobilzulieferer – Praktische Erfahrungen

Recht für Automobilzulieferer 2014/2015

Referent Veranstaltung Recht für Automobilzulieferer 2014/2015 Beschreibung

The automotive supply industry is constantly confronted with new challenges. These include product liability issues, complex supply contracts and supply chain partners threatened with insolvency, to name but a few. In recent years suppliers have also increasingly had to deal with antitrust authorities. Against the background of increasing globalization, M&A deals and joint ventures are of major importance for many companies – an area where the Chinese market plays a crucial role.

At this event, experienced Gleiss Lutz lawyers and Dr. Detlev Mohr, partner at McKinsey & Company, will be giving presentations on these topical issues. All speakers have advised renowned domestic and international automotive suppliers and are regularly involved in high-profile cases in this area.

Frankfurt 00:00 Uhr 02.12.2014
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