The Unitary EU Patent System: Update and Forecast

Gleiss Lutz Workshop during INTA's 2013 Annual Meeting

Referent Veranstaltung Gleiss Lutz Workshop during INTA's 2013 Annual Meeting Beschreibung

The new European Patent with unitary effect and the new Unified Patent Court will greatly change the landscape of patent law in Europe. The new Court will have jurisdiction for "classical" European Patents as well as for future Unitary Patents. The respective EU regulations may be applicable as soon as from 1 January 2014. The new system is expected to bring improvements but will also be a challenge for IP owners doing business in the EU. This workshop will highlight some of the issues IP owners should be aware of and discuss the likely impact of the Unitary Patent System on future patent disputes in the EU.

00:00 Uhr 06.05.2013
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