Incentives towards a better environment: the new guidelines on State aid for environmental protection

Recent Developments in European Environmental Law

Referent Veranstaltung Recent Developments in European Environmental Law Beschreibung

The seminar will deal with recent developments in European environmental law, primarily by analysing the European Court of Justice's recent case law and the activities of the other EU institutions in the field of environmental law. Both individual measures and the European Commission's environmental policy as a whole will be discussed. More specifically, the following topics will be examined:

  • Climate change and Directive 2003/87/EC on greenhouse gas emissions trading;
  • Inclusion of the air transport sector in the fight against climate change, the integrated energy and climate change package and CO2 emissions from cars;
  • The new environmental liability directive, of which the transposition period expired at the end of April 2007;
  • The Aarhus Convention and its application to the EC institutions;
  • The EC's new chemicals regulation after the entry of force of the REACH Regulation;
  • The new proposal for a directive on the protection of the environment through criminal law;
  • Recent developments in waste management;
  • Soil protection in the EU
  • Environmental taxation.
00:00 Uhr 29.05.2008
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