Fundamentals of Negotiation and Cross-Border Transactions


After first experiences with the recent statutory framework were made, M & A-transactions are increasingly embedded in new European rules. Moreover, changes in tax law, new Corporate Governance policies and the large number of cross-border transactions give rise to take a thorough look at the current situation of international M & A-transactions. Recognizing this need, the Institute for International Business Law of the University Münster takes up the challenge to provide a course which combines fundamental and current legal rules as well as all the experience of some of the most high-ranked law firms in Europe and the United States. Young professionals striving to obtain high quality education have the opportunity to learn from lecturers with different backgrounds and who come from various countries. The lecturers will discuss current problems in detail and in depth. The course is held in English.

Who should attend?

  • Lawyers (both in-house and private practice)
  • Tax advisors, consultants
  • Young professionals
  • Students
00:00 Uhr 16.03.2005
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