
Gleiss Lutz advises Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe on its sale to ABN AMRO

Dutch banking group ABN AMRO Bank N.V. has acquired Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe Privatbank AG. On 28 May 2024, ABN AMRO announced the deal to purchase the bank from Chinese conglomerate Fosun International for EUR 672 million. 

Fosun will retain ownership of the Luxembourg and Irish asset servicing subsidiaries: Hauck & Aufhäuser Fund Services and its subsidiaries Hauck & Aufhäuser Administration Services and HAL Fund Services Ireland.

Gleiss Lutz has advised Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe Privatbank AG on the corporate and banking regulatory aspects of the change in ownership and the carve-out of the bank’s asset servicing business.

The following Gleiss Lutz team led by Dr. Vera Rothenburg (partner) and Prof. Michael Arnold (partner, both Corporate, both Stuttgart) advised Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe Privatbank AG: Dr. Christian Hissnauer (partner, Financial Regulatory, Frankfurt), Dr. Jan-David Geiger, Dr. Nikolai Unmuth, Dr. Silke Hoffmann, Hanna Rogg (all Corporate, all Stuttgart), Daniel Adolph, Tobias Kempf (both Financial Regulatory, both Frankfurt).
