The Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains was recently enacted by the German parliament (Bundestag) and will enter into force on 1 January 2023. Contrary to what politicians and the media have sometimes stated, not only large companies but also small and medium-sized enterprises based in Germany and abroad are at least indirectly affected.
For the first time, the law introduces a comprehensive duty of effort for one's own business and supply chains, regardless of the type of product or industry involved. Violations can be punished with severe fines, and there is a threat of considerable civil liability risks.
We would like to help you with a kind of quick test to get a first impression of whether the far-reaching changes will also have an impact on your business practice. This is why we have developed the “Supply Chain Awareness Check”, a legal tech tool that will help you obtain an initial risk assessment for your company. You can use the tool free of charge by using the following link:
To the Supply Chain Awareness Check
For further up-to-date information and discussions, we also invite you to become a member of our LinkedIn group Supply Chain Compliance (German language speaking group).
We are always available for questions and exchanges on this issue.