News & Events


Here you will find the most recent news/events from our law firm as well as analyses and articles on the latest legal issues.

24.09.2024 24/09 12:30 PM Webinar Webinar
01.10.2024 01/10 12:30 PM Webinar Webinar
05.11.2024 05/11 12:30 PM Webinar Webinar
12.11.2024 12/11 12:30 PM Webinar Webinar
26.11.2024 26/11 12:30 PM Webinar Webinar
10.12.2024 10/12 12:30 PM Webinar Webinar
AI & Law webinar series: Latest developments and trends (German-language event)
25.04.2024 25/04 10:00 AM Frankfurt Frankfurt
Annual Antitrust Law Conference 2024 (German-language event)
Competition/Antitrust Digital Economy Digital Future
Countdown for Big Tech – Digital Markets Act published today
03.05.2022 03/05 01:00 PM Webinar Webinar
11.05.2022 11/05 01:00 PM Webinar Webinar
18.05.2022 18/05 01:00 PM Webinar Webinar
25.05.2022 25/05 01:00 PM Webinar Webinar
01.06.2022 01/06 01:00 PM Webinar Webinar
22.06.2022 22/06 01:00 PM Webinar Webinar
29.06.2022 29/06 01:00 PM Webinar Webinar
06.07.2022 06/07 01:00 PM Webinar Webinar
13.07.2022 13/07 01:00 PM Webinar Webinar
Antitrust law: Current developments and trends (German-language event)
Gleiss Lutz secures dismissal of further truck cartel action against Daimler
10.03.2021 10/03 12:00 PM Webinar Webinar
23.03.2021 23/03 12:00 PM Webinar Webinar
21.04.2021 21/04 12:00 PM Webinar Webinar
05.05.2021 05/05 12:00 PM Webinar Webinar
12.05.2021 12/05 12:00 PM Webinar Webinar
19.05.2021 19/05 12:00 PM Webinar Webinar
10.06.2021 10/06 12:00 PM Webinar Webinar
16.06.2021 16/06 12:00 PM Webinar Webinar
Tenth Amendment to the Act against Restraints of Competition & recents development in competition law (German-language event)
Competition/Antitrust Compliance & Investigations
The Tenth Amendment to the Act against Restraints of Competition – Digital Competition Act is in force
Competition/Antitrust Digital Economy Digital Future
Digital Markets Act and Digital Services Act: European Commission unveils two draft regulations to reform rules on digital economy and competition
CK Telecoms v Hutchinson judgment of the General Court Consequences for 4 to 3 mergers and the SIEC test
Competition/Antitrust Dispute Resolution, Litigation and Arbitration
Financialright claim vehicle breaks down in trucks cartel
Strict limits for pay-for-delay agreements
Competition/Antitrust Employment
The Gig Economy: Antitrust Law and Self-Employed Individuals
Competition/Antitrust Digital Economy Digital Future
The Digital Services Act and New Competition Tool: EU plans major reforms to digital and competition rules
Gleiss Lutz and Rohnke Winter secure first supreme court decision on truck cartel for Daimler
Competition/Antitrust Compliance & Investigations
The government draft bill for the Tenth Amendment to the Act against Restraints of Competition – Digital Competition Act

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