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Mandate 16.08.2022 Gleiss Lutz wins case for STRABAG before Berlin Court of Appeal: ICSID (AF) arbitral award against LIBYA declared enforceable Dispute Resolution, Litigation and Arbitration Foreign Trade Law 18.03.2022 Foreign trade law update: Further EU and U.S. sanctions against Russia enter into force; Russia plans additional countermeasures Mandates & Firm News Click here for Information on our mandates and firm news More Know-How We comment on current legal developments and issues for you More Events Here you can get an overview of all Gleiss Lutz events at a glance More Keep in Touch Keep in Touch Gleiss Lutz keeps you informed We would be pleased to add you to our mailing list so that we can keep you informed about current legal developments and events. Subscribe now Jens Kampe Press T +49 69 95514-351 Send e-mail Chamilla Herzig Events T +49 69 95514-263 Send e-mail
Energy & Infrastructure Dispute Resolution, Litigation and Arbitration 11.07.2024 EU withdraws from Energy Charter Treaty and implements ECJ’s Komstroy ruling
Dispute Resolution, Litigation and Arbitration Energy & Infrastructure 17.11.2023 Inadmissibility of ICSID arbitral proceedings under Energy Charter Treaty
Dispute Resolution, Litigation and Arbitration 16.05.2023 White paper on the planned modernisation of German arbitration law - an overview
Dispute Resolution, Litigation and Arbitration Energy & Infrastructure Public Law 01.12.2022 Germany to leave Energy Charter Treaty
Digital Economy Digital Future Dispute Resolution, Litigation and Arbitration 10.11.2022 Civil litigation and arbitration: a new world?
Mandate 16.08.2022 Gleiss Lutz wins case for STRABAG before Berlin Court of Appeal: ICSID (AF) arbitral award against LIBYA declared enforceable
Dispute Resolution, Litigation and Arbitration Foreign Trade Law 18.03.2022 Foreign trade law update: Further EU and U.S. sanctions against Russia enter into force; Russia plans additional countermeasures
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