On 1 October 2016 Prof. Dr. Heinz-Dieter Assmann, LL.M. will be joining Gleiss Lutz as of counsel. He will be working from the Stuttgart office.
Heinz-Dieter Assmann has held the chair of Civil, Commercial and Business Law, Comparative Law and Legal Theory since 1986 and, since October 2009, been Pro-Rector for Structural Issues and International Affairs at the University of Tübingen. He will be stepping down as Pro-Rector and his terminating his academic activities at the law faculty on 30 September 2016. Heinz-Dieter Assmann is a recognised, well-connected expert in European and international corporate, banking and capital markets law.
Prof. Dr. Michael Arnold, Managing Partner of Gleiss Lutz is pleased about this acquisition: “With Professor Assmann Gleiss Lutz gains a highly respected legal scholar. His expertise in capital markets, in particular, makes him a valuable asset to the firm, allowing us to further make our mark in the market.”
The 65 year old was appointed as chair at the University of Tübingen’s legal faculty in 1986. After working as a lawyer in Frankfurt am Main for two years and writing his post doctorate thesis on prospectus liability in 1984 he started teaching law at the University of Heidelberg in 1985. He was also a visiting professor at the University of Tokyo (Todai) in 1994, the Chuo University in Tokyo 1995 and at the University of Chicago Law School in 1997.
Since 1993 Heinz-Dieter Assmann has been acting director and co-editor of industry publication “Die Aktiengesellschaft” and co-edited and co-authored leading legal commentaries on capital markets law, such as the Securities Trading Act, the Securities Prospectus Act and Capital Investment Act as well as the Securities Acquisition and Takeover Act. He is also just as well known as co-editor and author of the Manual of Capital Investment Law (Handbuch des Kapitalanlagerechts). He has further distinguished himself through his work for numerous associations and organisations: He was a longstanding member of the board of Society for Comparative Law Studies, member of the board of trustees of the Banking Law Association, and deputy member of the advisory board (pursuant to section 5 Securities Acquisition and Takeover Act) of the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) in Frankfurt am Main.