
Gleiss Lutz secures an acquittal in the mortar cartel case

On July 3, 2009, the Federal Cartel Authority fined nine mortar manufacturers a total of 39.69 million euros. In May 2006 and January 2007, the Federal Cartel Authority carried out raids at twelve companies active in the mortar industry on suspicion of them having agreed to introduce a charge for setting up mortar silos. The companies had, either simultaneously or shortly after one another, introduced a charge for setting up their mortar silos. These are used when large quantities of mortar are ordered, for example on building sites. The companies fined by the Federal Cartel Authority denied being involved in running a cartel.

Gleiss Lutz secured an acquittal for its client, who wants to remain anonymous. The Federal Cartel Authority initially also accused this mortar manufacturer of being involved in the alleged cartel agreement. However, the company succeeded in refuting the accusations. The Federal Cartel Authority then dropped the case against this mortar manufacturer.

The acquitted company was represented by the Stuttgart-based Gleiss Lutz lawyers Dr. Christian Steinle (Partner) and Dr. Ole Andresen.

A second Gleiss Lutz team, consisting of Dr. Matthias Karl (Partner) and Marcus Mayer (both Stuttgart), is representing another mortar manufacturer in this case before the Federal Cartel Authority.
